The County of Ventura is developing an Active Transportation Plan (AT Plan) that will serve as a roadmap for implementing pedestrian and bicyclist facilities within the County’s unincorporated communities. The AT Plan builds upon existing planning efforts to create a safe and convenient active transportation network that connects more people with jobs, goods, services, and public transit networks without the use of a car. Ventura County’s 2040 General Plan highlighted the need for the Ventura County AT Plan to help achieve larger Countywide goals of improving public health and reducing environmental impacts from vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The development of this plan is funded in part by the FY 2020-21 Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program.

Plan Timeline

Get Involved
The County welcomes you to collaborate in the planning process by sharing your experiences and ideas for improving walking and biking throughout our unincorporated communities.
Public Input Map
The County welcomes you to collaborate in the planning process by sharing your experiences and ideas for improving walking and biking throughout our unincorporated communities.
Community Events
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Public Input Map
The map is now closed. Thank you for your participation!
Events + Surveys
Upcoming Events
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Past Events + Surveys
The final Ventura County Active Transportation Plan Community Meeting was held on December 14th, 2023. You can view the recording below.
On November 9th, 2023 the Ventura County Active Transportation Plan Community Meeting #3 was hosted. You can view the recording below.
On June 22nd, 2022 the Ventura County Active Transportation Plan Community Meeting #2 was hosted. You can view the recording below.
Event Banner:

On January 27th, 2022, the County hosted a virtual public workshop to provide information to the public and solicit input on the AT Plan’s development.

As the planning process moves along, we will publish materials on the website for your review.